In order to become successful in the world of online publishing, you must be able to promote your content.
You can do this in many ways, but the most common and best way to do it is through social bookmarking sites.
A social bookmarking site is where members submit links to content that they like, or find interesting. Other people view this content, and if they like it will “digg” it or “stumble” it. The more of these likes your content gets, the more people will see it as it’s ranking goes up.
Now, the best sites to use for promotion are stumbleupon, digg, and reddit, as they have the largest user bases. That said, you can’t submit all your links and expect thousands of views to suddenly pour in. Instead, the process of promoting your content is a constant one. In order to maximize your views, you have to be a constant member in the forums, comment on other people’s links, and add friends. Also, it would be a good idea to use two or more sites, so that you have more than one stream of traffic.
Now, you might be tempted to submit every piece of content you’ve ever written right away. I would advise against this, and instead suggest to submit your best content first in order to establish a reader base first. After you have a few friends and subscribers, then begin to submit your other work as well. If you do this, you’ll allow people to still see everything, but your best work first.
With a little luck and some hard work, you’ll begin to see traffic being generated from these sites in no time.