Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Best Social Bookmarking Sites and How to Get Them to Work for You

In order to become successful in the world of online publishing, you must be able to promote your content.

You can do this in many ways, but the most common and best way to do it is through social bookmarking sites.

A social bookmarking site is where members submit links to content that they like, or find interesting. Other people view this content, and if they like it will “digg” it or “stumble” it. The more of these likes your content gets, the more people will see it as it’s ranking goes up.

Now, the best sites to use for promotion are stumbleupon, digg, and reddit, as they have the largest user bases. That said, you can’t submit all your links and expect thousands of views to suddenly pour in. Instead, the process of promoting your content is a constant one. In order to maximize your views, you have to be a constant member in the forums, comment on other people’s links, and add friends. Also, it would be a good idea to use two or more sites, so that you have more than one stream of traffic.

Now, you might be tempted to submit every piece of content you’ve ever written right away. I would advise against this, and instead suggest to submit your best content first in order to establish a reader base first. After you have a few friends and subscribers, then begin to submit your other work as well. If you do this, you’ll allow people to still see everything, but your best work first.

With a little luck and some hard work, you’ll begin to see traffic being generated from these sites in no time.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to Write Online and Make Money Successfully

A lot of people write online, and many get paid for it. However, in order to be successful in writing online, you need to know the ins and outs.

First off, when I say writing online, I mean writing as in an article, a factual piece. While you can get paid for your creative writing online, it is very hard to find someone who will pay you a good sum for it, as most websites won’t pay you all that much for it. This may be discouraging to some of the budding creative writers out there, but with some hard work, you can definitely get paid. In order to be successful online, basically at least 90% of everything you write should be about something real. Think reporter more than author.Secondly, make sure that you write about something that applies to a vast amount of people. An article on personal health and weight loss would get more views than a write up of your local school. Unless your school has something that makes it unique, like raising a million dollars for charity or a shooting. Remember to write about something that you feel comfortable writing, something you can relate to or know about.

Thirdly, watch the news and current events going on in the world. While generally news articles don’t do that well when posted on a site that has other content as well, but if you post it fast enough, you are sure to at least earn a few dollars off of it.

Lastly, post your content to different sites. I personally use Triond, Redgage and Bukisa, with links leading to my content from Digg and Stumbleupon, as well as my blog. Set up a network of promoting tools and publishing sites so you can earn as much as possible, and maybe even send emails to your friends to tell them about your content.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Through Entrecard

Blogs survive off of readers, and bloggers earn when readers visit their blog. So how do you get these readers? Well, many blogs get tons of them off of traffic sites like Entrecard. Entrecard is a free to join site that allows members to trade visits. Basically, you submit your blog, and visit other people’s blogs, and drop your “card” in a widget. You gain a credit for every card you drop, and one for every card that gets dropped on your blog. These credits can be spent on buying ads on other blogs, purchasing things at their marketplace or exchanging them for real money. You can also earn credits if people buy ads on your blog, or by putting a listing up on the marketplace. Some good listings are comments, diggs or other likes on social bookmarking sites, or an entire blog. The more cards you drop, and the more ads you buy, the more people visit your site, which translates to more earnings for you off of ads. Eventually, as your blog becomes more popular in terms of visitors, it will become more popular on search engines, and you’ll begin to get traffic from other sources as well. If you keep using Entrecard, your blog will become naturally popular if it has quality on it, and you can expect to become a successful blogger. You can add more than one blog on to your account on Entrecard, and have traffic driven to all of them. Why not check it out today, and start getting free, quality viewers?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Get Paid Online Through Surveys

You can get paid for taking surveys online. Most sites will pay you from a dollar to ten for every survey you complete, and will pay you once you earn a certain amount of money. You can get paid through check or Pay-pal, and can stand to earn a lot of money off of these sites. Personally, I used opinion outpost for a while a couple of years ago, and while I only earned around $300 in a year, I didn’t work nearly as hard on that site as I did on my own blog, or my Triond articles. The site is legitimate, and will pay you. Unfortunately, I never took a picture of my check to offer as proof, but it is a real site. They offer the results of the surveys you take to large companies and earn money for themselves that way. The more surveys you take the more you cane earn, and the surveys themselves take around 5 to 15 minutes.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Make Money Off of Your Blog Through Ppc Advertising

Looking for a way to monetize your blog? Look no further. PPC advertising is the mainstream way to make money off of your blog, and is very easy and profitable. They work by simple copying and pasting a snippet of coding into your blog, and the java ads will show up to everyone who loads your site. You get paid (on average) half of the money that is generated from valid clicks on these ads. As a general rule of thumb, about ten percent of all your visitors will click your ads. Some advertisers pay the impression (CPT-Cost Per Thousand) instead. This is where you get payments based on every thousand people view the ads instead of how many people click them. Both ways have their own pros and cons, and you should decide which one is best for you. I would recommend either Google Adsense, Yahoo Publisher, Adbrite and Bidvertiser. Remember to use a mix of programs to maximize earnings, and good luck!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Through Entrecard

Blogs survive off of readers, and bloggers earn when readers visit their blog. So how do you get these readers? Well, many blogs get tons of them off of traffic sites like Entrecard. Entrecard is a free to join site that allows members to trade visits. Basically, you submit your blog, and visit other people's blogs, and drop your "card" in a widget. You gain a credit for every card you drop, and one for every card that gets dropped on your blog. These credits can be spent on buying ads on other blogs, purchasing things at their marketplace or exchanging them for real money. You can also earn credits if people buy ads on your blog, or by putting a listing up on the marketplace. Some good listings are comments, diggs or other likes on social bookmarking sites, or an entire blog for sale. The more cards you drop, and the more ads you buy, the more people visit your site, which translates to more earnings for you off of ads. Eventually, as your blog becomes more popular in terms of visitors, it will become more popular on search engines, and you'll begin to get traffic from other sources as well. If you keep using Entrecard, your blog will become naturally popular if it has quality on it, and you can expect to become a successful blogger. You can add more than one blog on to your account on Entrecard, and have traffic driven to all of them. Why not check it out today, and start getting free, quality viewers?

Bukisa vs Triond

I have used both Bukisa and Triond for a while now, and I decided to write an article on the pros and cons of each one. While these are my personal opinions of the sites, I think that they can be applied to other people as well.


First off, it is an excellent site, that allows you to make money off of articles, much like Triond. However, the articles must be at least 250 words, more than Triond, and they take a lot longer to publish. Payout isn't quite as high as Triond either, with earnings being calculated off of an ever fluctuating index, which pays per 1000 views. While it is nice to know exactly how much you are going to get paid, the idea of niches isn't as important, as everyone gets paid the same. Another downside is that they only pay via Pay-Pal, which isn't always the preferred method of payment. Also, you must have a minimum of $10 to be payed, which is 20 times more than at Triond


With an easy to use interface, this site is great for beginners. You get paid by either check ($50) or Pay-Pal ($0.50) on the tenth of every month. Your articles are published onto Triond's large website network, and you get paid based on the amount of views your articles get. Depending on your subject, you can earn different amounts of money. An article on computers will earn more than an article on socks, for example.

Either way, they both can earn you extra income for your writing. Try out both now :).

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Google Adsense Revenue Sharing Sites

Google Adsense the most common type of pay per click advertising, because its so easy to use. I personally find it one of the best advertisers out there, and recommend it highly. You get paid either through check or wire transfer once you make $100 USD of off clicks on your ads. Each click is valued differently, as certain ads pay more than others. Ads will match your site content, but your site must comply with the Adsense Terms Of Service.

Some sites offer to share revenue generate by Adsense ads that they attach to your content. Now, what makes this a good deal for you? Because, after all, they have to take some of the revenue, don't they? Well, most of these sites have a lot of traffic and a good search engine rank, so that you get more views, which equals more money. But is it really worth doing this?

After using these sites for quite some time, and then trying to post my content on my own blog and promoting it, I found that I made just a little bit more (three and a half dollars) using my blog. Really, in the whole scheme of things, that isn't much, but considering that I got very little traffic using either methods speaks for itself. If I had gotten a lot of views, my earnings could have stretched out into a lot more than a three dollar fifty cent difference.

My advice on Adsense revenue sharing? Stick with your own blog.

How to Make Money Online

We've all wanted to make some extra income at one point in our lives, and what better way to do it other than online? There a literally hundreds of sites that will pay you for content. Lets take a look


You can sell your photos online, either to a stock photo site (Example) or to a site that will pay you based on views (Example). Either way, if you have enough high quality, great photos, this is definitely something you should check out. Even if they aren't the best photos in the world, anyone with a digital camera can earn off of sites like this.


You can upload your videos to a site like Revver, and get paid through Pay-Pal based on the amount of views your videos get. Awesome site for someone with a ton of original content that you think would become popular. Metacafe offers a similar program that pays be cheque instead, but the admittance to this program is a lot harder than Revver's, though you can earn quite a bit of money on this site instead. Also, you can make money off of Youtube through their partner program. Read more here.


You can join a ton of sites that will pay you for articles and opinions. Some sites will buy your entire article and give you a cut, others will pay you a portion of the ad revenue. You usually can get paid through check or Pay-Pal, and if you can write a good article on a whim, this is probably what you should be doing. Triond is a great example of this type of site, and the site that I prefer, but Bukisa, Associated Content, Squidoo and Constant Content are other sites that will pay you for your articles too.

Good luck, and I hope I helped!

How to Successfully Publish Your Content Online and Get Paid Through Triond

Triond, the online publishing network that pays you for media and content, is a lot more complicated than it first looks. True, the basics are easy to figure out. A well written article, on a popular subject that is heavily promoted will generate a good sum of money. However, there are a few things that you can do to generate more money and get more coverage for your articles and media.

Generally speaking, the articles that make the most money are the pieces on health or computers and internet subjects. This is only a general rule of thumb, however, and articles about other subjects can also make a lot of money. Creative writing and news are subjects that generally don’t bring in a lot of money. If you create a lot of content in these subjects, by all means publish it, but don’t expect to make a lot of money off of them. Articles that are shorter than 300 words generally don’t do as well as articles that are between 500 and 800 words. The longer the article, and the higher the quality of writing, the better. Some good advice is to always write articles in a rough draft first, and edit them before editing. Also, remember to tag as many relevant subjects in your article as possible, as this will allow more people to find your article.

The best type of content, the type that will get you the most money on Triond, is written articles. Photos, videos and audio do not perform nearly as well as a well written article. Also, the only content that can get on to the hot content list are articles. Photos earn roughly a cent per 25 views, while articles get around a cent for 8 views. Videos and audio pay even less, so don’t expect to earn a whole lot off of them unless they are extremely popular.

My last piece of advice is to always, always use pictures. Articles with pictures pay more than articles without, for some reason. Try to include them in between paragraphs, as they offer a break for reader and allow you to illustrate your points.